Expressive Art
A Purple Art facilitator works with residents to explore life experiences through paint, torn paper, and collage. Group painting is a fantastic way for artists to connect, to join in a common activity, to interact and have fun! To be able to simply move the paint on a canvas without the worry of a finished product allows our clients to be expressive in a safe, supportive environment.
For Residents in Independent Living
We introduce a variety of mixed media classes that are catered to anywhere from a novice with little to no experience, intermediate, or an already established artist. Many of our classes are projects based on a renowned artist, with information about the artist and examples, used as inspiration for our independent seniors to create their own beautiful pieces! No experience is ever necessary.
For Residents with Memory Loss
We are well-versed in working in memory care communities and all of our projects can be tailored for this population. Using a "process over product" approach, Purple Art facilitators encourage both imagination and conversation, and above all, human connection through a range of media. Our approach centers on a calm, encouraging, quiet and ordered creative setting, and simple, clear prompts for beginning and experiencing the process of painting and collage.

An independent living resident from Frasier Meadows with her piece inspired by Paul Klee

Part art history, part detective work, Cindy Parker's interactive talk series explores subtle elements of a famous work, revealing details about the time, place and culture of the style, subject and artist. Topics are based on her travels, voracious museum going, and ongoing study of the history and theory of art. Talks can be tailored to memory care. We often offer a hands on class to coordinate with a monthly talk.
Some topics include: Strange and Wonderful Art Stories, The Birth of Venus by Botticelli; Klimt - Woman in Gold; The Tulip in History and Art; Street Art: It's Not Graffiti Anymore; Paul Klee - "Take a Line for a Walk"; Georgia O'Keeffe: Architecture and the Landscape; Inside a Matisse Masterpiece; Guernica: Picasso's Powerful Anti-War Painting
and many more! Contact us for full list.
Artist of the Month and Community Art Shows
In some communities, we organize gallery space and an "Artist of the Month" display where the whole community applauds the artistic efforts of an individual Purple Artist. We can coordinate art walks or exhibits, where residents can show their art and talk about where they got it and what it means to them. This can be done with acquired art, original works, or a combination -- for just one person or for the whole community!

Caregiver Support and Team Building
Over the years, especially during Covid, we have seen the stress and challenge that caregivers - both staff and family members - live with. We can organize fun, artful projects for caregiver appreciation and company teambuilding - using a theme of yours or something we suggest. If your organization has support groups for family caregivers, this is an amazing way for them to get their feelings out in a fun and non-judgmental environment. ART HEALS. We have seen this time and time again!

Purple Art Poetry Project
We can share the love of poetry at any level - from a literature class where we read and discuss important poetry, to poetry combined with painting, to reading poetry aloud to a group or together, to collaborative poetry writing! Poetry is so much fun and words and rhythms are soothing and can spark memories and pleasure.
Contact us for more information
about this unique offering!